Friday, August 15, 2008

Top 5 - 'REAL smart' replies for come-ons.... yes, REALLY!

Now that i'm almost turning 30, i think i can come up with MY TOP 5 comebacks from come-ons.

I don't usually react to flirts too 'smoothly' so among my friends, it's always a joke on how i reply to flirts/come-ons. *blush*

I will update this as it comes along - need to think carefully - but i might as well start from the most err 'memorable' one. :)

The lesson to learn is, apparently, (as my dearest friend has time and time again drilled into my head) is to SMILE and look down shyly when you have no response to flirts. DO NO OPEN YOUR BIG, SMART MOUTH AND COME UP REAL 'SMART' responses!!! *smart student*

Scenario UNO :

In a club, having drinks with some old, some new friends. This kinda cute guy (friend of a friend) comes up to me at the end of the night and talks to me while holding a glass of water (you know how we all hope that if we drink water before driving home, we'd appear (or smell and feel) less alcoholic!!)

DUDE : (after small talk) So, next time i meet you... can i flirt with you again?
SMOOTH ME : Eh, just drink your water la. (what can i say? I was caught off guard la. Sigh)

Scenario DOS :

Just having a pure innocent chat on what type of girl a friend was looking for....

DUDE : (starts caressing my hair and holding the back of my head softly) Actually someone like you, someone i'd get to know for say 2 years and then get married. Same hair length, cute smile, someone my mum would like....
SMOOTH ME : HA HA HA HA HA HA (laughs loudly non-stop and moved away ..... what was i supposed to say??????)

Scenario TRES:

I kinda joked that it was my birthday (i don't know why people always take me seriously! sigh), so my cute neighbour baked me a cake and came over to my house. It was soooo sweet of him...... but, err, he did not bake me another cake on my REAL birthday!! :( Sniff.

Scenario QUATRO
To be continued...

Oh, btw thanks to Allison for this pic! Ha ha..... *smart*

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Rose

This song/lyrics gives me a warm feeling inside..... how about you?

Some say love .. it is a river that drowns the tender reed
Some say love…it is a razor that leads your soul to bleed
Some say love…it is a hunger, an endless aching need
I say love…it is a flower and you it’s only seed

It’s the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance
It’s the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance
It’s the one who won’t be taken, who cannot seem to give
And the soul, afraid of dying that never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long
When you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snow
Lies a seed that with the sun’s love
In the spring becomes a rose.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I swear i have been busy with work.....REALLY REALLY!!

So through a friend in Facebook, i have found a new favourite site

Been reading a lot of articles on relationship topics. Interesting.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

No matter what happens....

This is one of my fave quotes - found it while clearing my room. *melts*

"In this life, nothing good is truly lost. It stays part of a person, becomes part of their character.
So part of you goes everywhere with me. And part of me is yours, for ever."

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


All excited cuz finally arrived at Yu Garden

Top : Michelle and i - so bloody crowded!
Bottom : Wai Fang and i
in Dino Beach Themepark
We were laughing cuz this looks more like an ad for
the Green Tea drink i'm holding. Damn hot! Damn thirsty!

Shanghai - FOOD!

Came back last Sunday night.....
MY PEOPLE (back 'home') cheated me and tried to poison me. Sniff. Besides that, it was a real good trip.
We had superb dinners - usually took about 3 hours every night- with fab wine as company.
On our first night, we went to Xin Tian Di (translates for you non-Mandarin speaking people : Heaven on earth) a real nice Western-ish place with rows of restaurants, pubs, cafes, etc. Had dinner at Lawry's - had a big sign ' Best prime rib steak in the world' - well leave it to the Chinese to claim such a thing eh? Drama.
But yeah, it was darn tasty and they have this interesting spinning salad bowl. The waitresses would perform some kind of salad preparation infront of you. It was superb, crispy salad tho! And my darn prime ribs costs RMB460 (about RM228). Of course not having to pay for it makes it all just lovely! :D
We stayed at Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao - got upgraded to Executive Suites upon checking in. Supposedly the summer promotion! We KNOW it is because occupancy was real low. It was very hot and the usual smog.
Anyways, the second night we went to this lovely Shanghainese restaurant. It's actually one of the ex-premier's home. 3-storey house - beautiful, simple beautiful! Since our host is some bigtime businessman there, we got the VIP room on the top floor. Food was perfect, err the wine too! *hiccup* We had a 40-course dinner. Nearly died there.... and it seems it is normal for them to end the meal with sio long pau and rice to make sure ur stomach's full. Arghh.... Am not even gonna talk about how much it could possibly cost.

The dining room - ex-premier's home. Beautiful, no?

Yes, this pic was taken in the toilet of the ex-premier's home. So what? It's a lovely toilet. *blush*

For the third night, we went to this absolutely fabulous Jap restaurant - Shintoro. Serving Jap fusion cuisine, it was formerly a factory of some sort. So it's amazingly spacious - the moment we walked in, we were like 'WOW!' - such a big place and its not the usual Jap places we see here. Expensive, as well. Small portions and expensive. Once again, not paying for the meal so.... YESS la! All is lovely. Ha ha.

Shintoro Restaurant