Friday, October 28, 2011

Found & lost

This particular pet shop we never been into.... until a few days ago. I felt strongly compelled to go there and made two rounds just to find a parking spot. Thought of buying treats for doggie.

Then just before entering, I heard a gasp from my sis. And what I half- feared came true. There was a lost poster up of doggie. It's good to know and find his owner, for sure. We tried finding the owner for more than 2 months.

I'll just miss him loads.

He brings a certain sense of calm to my daily routine. Like I could be upset about something/anything n then he brings a smile to my face with his funny ass dance and run around grabbing bone games.

I'll miss coming home early or even past 2am and still taking him out for a walk before bed. Definitely therapeutic for me... Dunno about doggie.


Whoever said that thing about not giving the dog a name so we would have no attachments? So NOT true. :(

Thursday, October 6, 2011

End of the road

Yup. We're here now. We've arrived at the end of the road. We pause, reflect, choose and take the step to the left.

I'll never forget you but I need to forge ahead.

If fate is US.... together.... you and I, then we shall get together one day.

If that day comes, it'll be fabulous. 

If not, we'll always have the great memories. Right? 